The 2014 tour DE la rally.

时间:2018-04-18    浏览量:

The 2014 tour DE la rally.

IKART China tianhe team no.355 guowei baji racing car.
Driver: golden jewel pilot: wang shaowei.

IKART China tianhe team no.356, guowei baji.

Driver: zhao yongguo pilot: marley.

IKART China tianhe motorcade 357 national Vicky racing car.

Driver: dai National Day pilot: yuyang.

IKART China tianhe motorcade 359 guowei baji racing car.

Driver: zhao aerospace pilot: dong kai.

Hebei qianan jiujiang automobile motorcycle club 156 Toyota tacoma.

Driver: li aidong pilot: yan ke.

Hebei qianan jiujiang automobile motorcycle club no. 158 Toyota takuma.

Driver: ruan quan pilot: liu jianbo.

Toyota TACOMA, no. 172, north new road bridge, xinjiang.

Driver: he xudong pilot: su liang.

Toyota TACOMA, no.173, tension team, beixin road, xinjiang.

Driver: li kai pilot: goofy.

Toyota TACOMA, no. 175, north new road bridge, xinjiang.

Driver: xu Yang (female) pilot: zou guifen (female)

Suzuki super vetula, no. 176, north new road bridge, xinjiang.

Rider: jinchen square pilot: liu kun.

Mitsubishi V68, no. 177, north new road bridge, xinjiang.

Driver: wu baozhu pilotage: wu gao Yang.

Mitsubishi V78, no. 186, north new road bridge, xinjiang.

Driver: shao jie pilot: xie xiaoling (female)

Jinchangdejin logistics kaman team 179 lufeng X9.

Driver: gu yi pilot: long maowei.

Jinchangdejin logistics carman team 180 land wind X9.

Driver: zhang dejin pilot: guo rui.

Lu feng X9, no. 181, jinchangdejin logistics kaman team.

Driver: zhang luwei pilotage: long yingzi (female)

No. 168 steel tube car of shaanxi gaoqiang senda motorcade.

Driver: Yang xiaojiang pilot: yuan guojie.

Sichuan hump cross-country club 170 steel pipe car.
Driver: liu yimin pilot: shi yinchuan.

No.171 steel pipe of sichuan hump cross-country club.

Driver: wang jiang pilot: Chen xiaoxi.




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